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Sustainability old

Sustainability: doing the right thing

As a team, we put doing the right thing at the heart of everything we do, both for our customers and for the planet. So, it’s our aim to sell sustainable wood, be completely plastic free and operate to the highest environmental standards possible…and we’re nearly there already.

Here’s what we’re up to:

All our products are sourced from FSC sustainable sources and wherever possible we source from as close to home as we can. For example, our natural firelighters (links) are made close by.

Most of our cardboard boxes are made from 100% recycled British cardboard and are fully recyclable.

We're reducing our plastic usage wherever we can. Our Little Logs and natural firelighters are packed in clever self-sealing, recyclable boxes that require no plastic packing tape. We also supply our kindling in the same boxes - no more nasty plastic nets!

We've recently stopped selling petroleum-based firelighters. Instead we now offer our 100% natural firelighters which are chemical free and totally brilliant for starting fires.

Logpile Local is our local delivery service to reduce courier diesel miles. Live within 10 miles of Logpile HQ? Brilliant! One of our team will drop off your order.